On Wednesday, 24 August 2016, PT. GRANITOGUNA BUILDING CERAMICS achieved the Top Brand Award 2016 for Granite Tile category. The award was accepted by Brian Widjaja as the director PT. GRANITOGUNA BUILDING CERAMICS at Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta.
Read More›Dapur pasti menjadi tempat favorite setiap anggota keluarga. Karena selain tempat untuk memasak, dapur juga bisa menjadi tempat berkumpul dengan keluarga. Jadi jangan biarkan dapur Anda terlihat kusam dan kotor! Dengan dapur yang cantik dan nyaman bisa membuat Anda menjadi lebih semangat lagi memasak untuk keluarga Anda.
Read More›Google office is one of working place with unique design. And Google office always get top 10 of the best working place in the world. With the “fun” trademark, Google treat their employees with a comfort and happy working place to make another big ideas.
Read More›Back in 80s, neon was a huge thing. Neon colors was popular in interior design and nowadays neon style is back! Neon colors popular as Pop Art style but don’t worry, you can also use neon colors for modern-minimalist style. Neon colors are bright, dynamic and attention-grabbing. They also bring a statement to your room since they are utterly bold and powerful. Bring some neon colors into your room is exciting, but you have to watch out because sometimes neon can be harsh and overbearing.
Read More›Desain lantai merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam suatu ruangan, desain lantai yang indah akan membuat ruangan anda terlihat lebih menarik dan bergaya. Pemilihan pelapis lantai juga merupakan hal yang utama, banyak sekali pilihan untuk pelapis lantai seperti keramik, kayu parket, batu alam dan lain-lain.
Read More›Japanese interior design inspires the simplistic natural essence found in minimalist architecture and Zen design. Japanese culture is saturated in a love and respect for nature. The best way to maintain a strong connection with the natural world is bring nature into your indoors area.
Read More›Are you looking for new design for your kitchen? And are you considering kitchen flooring materials? Durability is a priority, because kitchen is a high traffic area for daily and prone to spills ranging from water, oils and dishes. We have 4 ideas for your stylish and comfortable kitchen. Let’s find the perfect flooring!
Read More›We’re all used a simple tile design in our bathroom. Square and white, such a bored and old things. Instead, there are a lot of interesting ways to make your bathroom more gorgeous. Let’s have a look.
Read More›“How to put Granito new tiles on Granito old tiles?” Many of our customers always ask this same question. Of course not everyone knows the technical. At this blog, we would like to share with you all the easy technicques how to put Granito new tiles on Granito old tiles.
Read More›The classic rusty tiles from Granito. Have you heard that we also produce rustic tiles size 60×60 cm? The development from technology is not only at electronic media or gadget, it also affect at interior industry. Nowadays, a lot of interior designers or architects have put rustic floors into perform in their projects. The following trend by using rustic floors especially in homogenous tile have proved that it suitable not only at exterior but also interior.
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