Gold accents are a hot trend right now and we dare say that this classy trend may be here to stay. Luckily, there are some easy, fun and surprisingly inexpensive steps you can take to add gold to your home interior.
Read More›Did you know about backsplash? Backsplash is a back wall between the countertops and wall cabinets. A kitchen can look finished without backsplash. But at the same time, there’s also an opportunity to use the space to anchor the overall design of the room. You can explore your creativity to create an eye catching backsplash!
Read More›Believe it or not, wallpaper is back! We know the idea may be a little hard to wrap your head around, but trust us when we tell you that the 2017 wallpaper trends are worlds away from the relics you remember from Grandma’s house. Gone are the days of seeing a whole room swallowed by big floral prints and oppressively dark hues. Instead, today’s take on wallpaper is much more subtle. These days, less is more, neutral shades are in, and the pattern options are entirely up to you.
Read More›Have you noticed how color can affect your mood? When considering bedroom paint ideas, the right bedroom paint color choice will make a huge difference in how you feel. Although there are rules on what colors are best for a bedroom, each person has their own preferences and tastes. You may be attracted to an unexpected color whose qualities you may need more in your life. Forget the traditional rules, pick a color you love and paint your walls.
Look at the colors below and choose your favorite. We’re going to take a look at what your color choice says about your personality or what you may need more in your life.
Read More›Today café is one of favorite place to hang out with friends or work. Café with good design, stylish décor and relaxing ambience that will make paying customers stay longer to enjoy their favorite drink and meal! In creating fun and stylish café, the design must be decorative. There are some very simple ways you can do for making some decorative details. Not only furniture, you can explore some details on the floor!
Read More›Many small living room ideas revolve around tricking the eye into making the area appear more spacious. Such strategies can transform an area that feels cramped and claustrophobic into one that feels cozy and aesthetically pleasing. Decorate in a way that maximizes light and space, and pay attention to how you use color, scale and weight. It can make quite a difference.
Read More›Pernahkah anda berpikir kalau warna abu-abu itu membosankan, kusam dan terkesan dingin? Cobalah untuk berpikir ulang! Abu-abu yang selalu terkesan dengan suasana muram atau misterius tetapi sebenarnya abu-abu akan membuat dekorasi ruangan anda terlhat bergaya, klasik dan juga menarik. Abu-abu juga bisa menjadi salah satu warna alternative dari warna netral lainnya seperti coklat, krem atau taupe. Warna abu-abu akan terlihat menonjol jika anda memadukannya dengan warna terang dan warna ini juga dapat terlihat elegan jika dipadukan dengan warna netral lainnya.
Read More›Desain lantai merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam suatu ruangan, desain lantai yang indah akan membuat ruangan anda terlihat lebih menarik dan bergaya. Pemilihan pelapis lantai juga merupakan hal yang utama, banyak sekali pilihan untuk pelapis lantai seperti keramik, kayu parket, batu alam dan lain-lain.
Read More›Japanese interior design inspires the simplistic natural essence found in minimalist architecture and Zen design. Japanese culture is saturated in a love and respect for nature. The best way to maintain a strong connection with the natural world is bring nature into your indoors area.
Read More›Who doesn’t know about Shabby Chic design? One of interior design from UK in1980 and got the popularity in1990. Shabby Chic’s style is about soft color, floral print, vintage furniture, and another vintage accent. Shabby Chic is another Bohemian or BoHo style. This style suitable for a woman who loves a feminine, soft, chic and romantic room. You can apply Shabby Chic style in your livingroom, bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. And today lots of café use this style too.
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