5 Ide kreatif Desain Dapur Modern Dengan Keramik Granit Mewah


Bosan dengan warna-warna polos untuk mendekorasi ruangan? Kenapa tidak mencoba sesuatu yang berbeda seperti menggabungkan beberapa motif lantai? Cobalah padu padankan Granito Mosaics Tiles di ruangan dan Anda akan mendapatkan tampilan yang sangat unik dan berbeda. Selain itu, perpaduan beberapa motif lantai ini juga bisa menjadi elemen dekorasi di ruangan Anda!

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Small Living Room Ideas to Make the Most of Your Space

Many small living room ideas revolve around tricking the eye into making the area appear more spacious. Such strategies can transform an area that feels cramped and claustrophobic into one that feels cozy and aesthetically pleasing. Decorate in a way that maximizes light and space, and pay attention to how you use color, scale and weight. It can make quite a difference.

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Masculine Bathroom

Bathroom should be a place for relaxation. Do you want something basic, comfortable but still with a personal touch? Masculine look such a great ideas! When it comes to masculine look, the first thing that comes to mind is simplicity, strict and sexy. No matter what style you prefer, in strong dark colors masculine look always reflect dramatic and bold feelings.

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Colorful Space with Pop Art Style

Are you a fan of the Pop Art movement? Pop Art is an art movement that emerged in the mid 1950s in Britain and in late 1950s in United States. As we know, Pop Art is bold and colorful interior style. Game of contrast and textures are welcome in Pop Art style. So if you like a dynamic and colorful ambience, you should choose this Pop Art style for your home décor!

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Tren dekorasi ruangan selalu berkembang seiring berjalannya waktu, akhir-akhir ini warna emas menjadi salah satu warna favorit dalam dunia desain interior dan warna Rose Gold hadir sebagai referensi warna baru untuk dekorasi ruangan. Warna Rose Gold sudah sering digunakan untuk perhiasan dan juga mobile device. Tidak heran mengapa Rose Gold menjadi warna favorite di tahun ini, karena warna ini dapat memberikan sentuhan elegan dan bergaya di ruangan Anda.

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Top Brand Award 2016

On Wednesday, 24 August 2016, PT. GRANITOGUNA BUILDING CERAMICS achieved the Top Brand Award 2016 for Granite Tile category. The award was accepted by Brian Widjaja as the director PT. GRANITOGUNA BUILDING CERAMICS at Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta.

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Fun with Decoupage!

Need some inspiration for re-decorate your home décor? Do you ever hear about decoupage? One of interesting way to decorating your home. One of the most terrific things about this type of craft is that it can be done by adults and also it can be fun for the kids! But, before you start you might be wondering “what is decoupage?”. Decoupage is the art of decorating an object by gluing colored paper cut out and combination with special paint effect, gold leaf and so on. The word decoupage comes from the French verb “decouper”, it means “to cut out”.

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Pernahkah anda berpikir kalau warna abu-abu itu membosankan, kusam dan terkesan dingin? Cobalah untuk berpikir ulang! Abu-abu yang selalu terkesan dengan suasana muram atau misterius tetapi sebenarnya abu-abu akan membuat dekorasi ruangan anda terlhat bergaya, klasik dan juga menarik. Abu-abu juga bisa menjadi salah satu warna alternative dari warna netral lainnya seperti coklat, krem atau taupe. Warna abu-abu akan terlihat menonjol jika anda memadukannya dengan warna terang dan warna ini juga dapat terlihat elegan jika dipadukan dengan warna netral lainnya.

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Let’s Explore Google Office Indonesia

Google office is one of working place with unique design. And Google office always get top 10 of the best working place in the world. With the “fun” trademark, Google treat their employees with a comfort and happy working place to make another big ideas.

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