Backsplash Kitchen with Granito Mosaics

Did you know about backsplash? Backsplash is a back wall between the countertops and wall cabinets. A kitchen can look finished without backsplash. But at the same time, there’s also an opportunity to use the space to anchor the overall design of the room. You can explore your creativity to create an eye catching backsplash!

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5 Ide Mendekorasi Ruangan Dengan Keramik Granit Motif

Aksen dekorasi yang indah dan unik akan membuat ruangan Anda terlihat jauh lebih menarik. Granito mempunyai koleksi warna dan motif yang sangat menarik untuk melengkapi dekorasi ruangan Anda. Dengan gaya dekorasi apapun yang Anda pilih, Granito Mosaics akan cocok digunakan di ruangan mana saja! Dan bagaimana cara berkreasi dengan Granito Mosaics di ruangan Anda? Mari simak tips-tips berikut ini!

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Easy Ways to Mix and Match Patterns in your Home

Are you tired of your plain and borrowing solid colors throughout your home? While solids all have their place, aren’t your interiors more fun when we add whimsical patterns that add visual interest and contrast? Yes! Mixing and matching patterns can often be a challenge, especially if you don’t know how to choose the right complimentary colors and scale of patterns to use amongst each other. Before you start choosing patterns randomly there are a few tips that will steer you straight. Here are 10 easy ways to mix and match patterns with ease in your home.

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5 Ide kreatif Desain Dapur Modern Dengan Keramik Granit Mewah


Bosan dengan warna-warna polos untuk mendekorasi ruangan? Kenapa tidak mencoba sesuatu yang berbeda seperti menggabungkan beberapa motif lantai? Cobalah padu padankan Granito Mosaics Tiles di ruangan dan Anda akan mendapatkan tampilan yang sangat unik dan berbeda. Selain itu, perpaduan beberapa motif lantai ini juga bisa menjadi elemen dekorasi di ruangan Anda!

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A Few Hint of Neon Shades Won’t Hurt

Back in 80s, neon was a huge thing. Neon colors was popular in interior design and nowadays neon style is back! Neon colors popular as Pop Art style but don’t worry, you can also use neon colors for modern-minimalist style. Neon colors are bright, dynamic and attention-grabbing. They also bring a statement to your room since they are utterly bold and powerful. Bring some neon colors into your room is exciting, but you have to watch out because sometimes neon can be harsh and overbearing.

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Don’t Throw Away Your Old Kitchen Stuff

You have a lot of old stuff at kitchen and that are too old to be used? And you don’t know what to do with it all? There is no reason to throw away all your old stuff, you still have other options. Recycle and repurpose is that kind of great choice. Not only cleaning your kitchen, but you will be able to give new life to all those things and make them more valuable. Collect all the old stuff and let your imagination run wild!

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